Monday, 6 June 2016

Metaphor of the Connected Twins

The Connected Twins is a metaphor to describe the inherent connection between two polarities. 

It originated during my participation in the recent Advanced Mindscape Workshop conducted by Mr Andy Spencer in May 2016. Each of us relaxed ourselves into an Alpha-state mind, or more commonly understood as "being in the zone". From the "zone" we then accessed our Mindscape Workshop, which is a mental tool for accessing and utilising the subconscious mind. These tools include a pair of male and female guides, representative of the masculine and feminine aspects of ourselves. When I "called in" my male and female guides, they came in the form of an intensely brooding brainy precocious 10 year old boy, and an equally intense 10 year old girl in a perpetual dance. They both appeared in white, and held hands together. While sensing clearly their opposite polarity, I also sensed they were totally at ease with each other and were constantly in mutual communication, as symbolized by their holding hands.

In that same session, each of us "called in" our left and right brains. My left brain came in the form of a constantly spinning and transforming tetrahedron fractal, each transformation marked by a precise mathematical formula. My right brain came in as a symphonic sea of sound, permeating every part of space, similar to the "Harmony of the Spheres". And when they came together, voila, there was a merging that strengthened them synergistically. After all music and geometry are intimately related, just ask Pythagoras!

It dawned on me that much of my personal struggle came from trying to reconcile two parts of myself, the thinking part and the feeling part. And it does not help when humanity in this era face the same struggle generally. In recent times I framed my choices as such, do I choose between conventional Western medicine and energetic medicine, Buddhism and Clairvision, to name just two examples. 

But that was not the experience in the depths of my soul, such as the connected twins and brains during Mindscape, or during deep meditation when I experienced a harmonious whole of my being. Finally the outer and inner worlds met, and it dawned on me somewhat belatedly, that it was time to drop the self-created drama of having to make a choice between this and that, or that I had to survive in and "convert" a disconnected world to my own connected (and conceitedly superior) point of view. 

I create the outer reality that is inside me. If I believe in the disconnected world, of an inherent divide between science and spirituality, thinking and feeling etc, then that is the world that I will experience. However if I listen to the truth that is deep in my heart, then it is the inherently connected and harmonious world that comes forth, and shapes the world I experience. Whose story is it? My own inner truth, or the myth of disconnect held in a layer of humanity's collective consciousness?

So really the choice gets reframed at its root. Do I choose my inner truth, or what others tell me (mostly subconsciously of course)? While I will need occasional reminders and refinement of what constitutes my inner truth, just framing the situation as such made me drop a whole load of negative emotional loops that had kept me running like the proverbial mouse on a wheel.

Now this obviously does not change the external reality that some things do need fixing in the world, that the collective belief in the "disconnected world" drives humanity subconsciously towards more pain and grief. Yet we as change agents only make things worse if we do not realise how much we ourselves are subconsciously part of this belief network, as that will drive us toward making unintended decisions that foster just such a disconnected world, despite our supposedly noble intentions. The shadow that we do not see will use us and consume us. 

This drives home the importance of working on oneself, or self-knowledge, and in fact all spiritual work is essentially just that, to know thyself. Whether using traditional religion, modern spiritual techniques, psychotherapy, or whatever modality, it is important never to lose sight of the goal "to know thyself". And I would add on, "to know thyself that thou art Divine". 

I have hope, and I know, that one of my missions this lifetime is to bridge such divides, to illuminate our world by whatever little contribution I can give. I will always be a student of the Divine that lies within, learning more with each passing moment, and growing with each passing day. I am privileged to face the trials that await those who sincerely approach the Divine with humility. I am grateful for the manifold blessings in my life so far, for the pleasurable rewards that make living in this world bearable, and the trials that chisel and define the Divine within. 

Hence this blog. To articulate the Divine.

Sufen: Bodytalk practitioner and Mindscape organizer
Clairvision school of meditation
Thank you Becky Hill for those beautiful pictures of twins!

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